by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 30 RESULTS
School at Home

Five Homeschool Supplies We Always Need

[maxbutton id=”1″] I have the back-to-school supply sale twitches. Oh, the crayons, the glue sticks, the markers, the colorful notebooks. *swoon* There’s just one problem: I don’t NEED any of that stuff! We still have plenty of crayons, color pencils, markers and folders. We’re full up. I also find we don’t need things like glue sticks anymore. My kids are growing up! So I pass by the aisles with a …

School at Home

The only three things you NEED to homeschool.

There are lots of things that people will say you NEED to homeschool. During this “back to school” season, there are pretty of shiny, new things to tempt us as well. There’s plenty that you CAN use, many things that will make it easier, and some things that you’ll feel like you couldn’t really live with out. But when you get down to it (you COULD homeschool without internet, or …