Have you ever wondered what other people keep in their refrigerator? I know that my mom almost never has salsa on hand, and we almost always do! People just have different “must haves” right?

I’ve talked about eating healthy and I also talk about canning.. so just what exactly do I keep in my fridge anyway?

In keeping with the “fun and random” feel for today, I’m not going to bore with just a straight list of refrigerator staples. But what is it about MY refrigerator supplies that might be different than yours? Well, let’s see…


1. Lots of canned jellies and jams, salsas, sauces and relishes. – Perhaps the most obvious thing when you open my refrigerator and peek inside, the tray of half pint jars on the top shelf grabs your attention. I like jam, and my favorite home made jam is the Peach Chipotle. NOM NOM.

2. Miracle Whip, NOT Mayo. – No, we don’t make our own, yes, we buy it. But the key words here are “NOT MAYO.” Yuck. I seriously dislike Mayonnaise. ICKY. But I do like Miracle Whip. Especially on a bologna sandwich. (But these days that will be Kosher bologna, thank you–the ingredients list on regular balogna grosses me out!)

3. Several different kinds of mustard. – Though we have MW, ketchup and mustard, all three.. I’m really more of a mustard person. I like yellow mustard, spicy brown mustard, hot mustard… YUM.

4. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (Ick.) – I don’t personally touch this stuff, but Big Daddy drinks it for health purposes. I have, however, used it in a sweet and sour sauce.

5. LOTS of produce. – Since we’re a part of an organic produce co-op, we always have a lot of produce in the fridge. Sometimes some of it is pretty interesting – fresh fennel anyone? Right now I have some kale waiting to be turned into kale chips!

6. Turkey bacon, turkey bacon, turkey bacon. – We usually have pork bacon, too, (it’s a favorite of mine,) but Big Daddy prefers to have turkey bacon with his breakfast so we keep lots on hand.

7. Eggs..Soon to be eggs from my own chickens! You might think of eggs as staples for baking (and they are) but honestly I don’t bake that often. On the other hand, I LOVE breakfast food. Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, french toast. YUM. Breakfast for supper is a favorite, with a full spread of pancakes, eggs, bacon, home made biscuits, gravy and fruit!

8. Tea, milk and water. – I don’t buy a lot of juice, soda and other drinks. We do buy some but not enough to say it’s always in our fridge. Not even close. We usually save that for when we eat out. If we bring it home we drink way too much of it.

9. Cheese, all kinds of cheese. – Cheese is another favorite. We’ll have sandwich cheese, shredded cheese, block cheese, string cheese, cream cheese… cheese, cheese, cheese.

10. Very few leftovers. We don’t eat them, so I try hard not to cook more than we’re going to eat so they don’t go to waste. That means more cooking for me, but less waste for us. It’s a trade off.

How is that? Different than yours? Do we have a lot of common? What will we find in YOUR fridge?

Linking up with Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings for the Ten Weeks of Ten with iHN.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!