We had THE BEST WEEK. Wait until you see everything we did! It was full to the brim with goodness.
In my life this week…
Ever feel like God just rained goodness down for no apparent reason? That’s how I feel about this past week. I have definitely recovered from being sick, I have my energy and strength and motivation back. We got back to work on doing school, we recovered from the house mess that happens when mom is down for the count, and we did some very fun things this week. Wednesday my mother-in-law came over to teach the girls to sew quilts. She’ll be coming over every Wednesday for a while for “sewing class.” Friday we spent all day canning at my mom’s house and baking bread, too! Saturday my father-in-law and his wife took us to a new science museum in Dallas and we had a really great day with them. It was just all around a good week. =)

In our homeschool this week…
We learned about:
We continued learning about “running the race” in our Apologia worldview book this week; it was really interesting to learn about Eric Lidell and Wilma Rudolph, and also the invention of basketball – we discussed the similarities between being a Christian and being an athlete. In Mystery of History, we’ve begun studying the Middle Ages (and I must say that I’m so excited!) This is going to be so much fun! We also finished reading “Stories of Robing Hood” by H.E. Marshall in our Heritage History Classics – which surprisingly, had a very sad and moving ending! Now we’ll begin another Heritage History read aloud, Mary Macgregor’s “Stories from King Arthur.” We’re still studying feliforms in Apologia Zoology 3 – we covered large predatory cats like lions and tigers (we’ve already covered bears -oh my!)
School was fun because:
Finally used our actual “school area” for the first time! We have it set up enough now that we can do some work in there. In a couple of weeks I hope to have the countertop desk in place and that will make it even better. School was also fun because we had so much “hands on learning” this week. With the sewing, the canning, the art, and the museum – it was a full week.
For art class we:
We finished our third and final art lesson on the Crossmaker DVD. In case I haven’t yet proven that I’m not perfect and I do make mistakes, I totally neglected to realize that we have OIL pastels in our art supplies not CHALK pastels. We weren’t really able to do the art project the way that it was *supposed* to be done, but we were all excited about doing a lesson and didn’t want to skip it so we did it anyway with the oil pastels. Little Prince and Drama Queen decided not to but Princess and I had fun doing it together. I like to do the art projects with the kids because I enjoy art and after pushing math and grammar it’s nice to sit down and do something FUN together with the kids.
Also! If you’ve been curious, intrigued, excited, or interested in The Crossmaker DVD I’ve been using in any way — check out my giveaway! I’m giving away one Crossmaker DVD, goes live on 3/4 and closing on 3/11. Woot, woot!
My favorite thing this week was…
Oh, GOSH, do I have to pick?? I loved this whole week. Oh, hey! One highlight was that when we went to the museum, my inlaws discovered that they could basically buy a family pass for the same price they were already spending on tickets for all of us – so they did, and gave it to us! I’m really looking forward to going back several times with some homeschool friends and digging even deeper into the hands on activities at the science museum! Yay!
My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Probably the trip to the museum. Or maybe the shopping we did afterward when they spent the rest of their Christmas gift cards.
Things I’m working on…
Around the house:
This whole upcoming week is going to be centered around preparing for my trip to Baltimore for the Apologia Real Refreshment Retreat. I need to catch up on laundry so everyone has clothes while I’m gone and so I have clothes to pack and stuff like that. Busy, busy!
For the blog:
Before I go, I also have to finish writing a chapter for a group ebook I’m a part of, and I have to schedule some blog posts for the rest of the week. I have the review and giveaway going on this week, and I have another TWO giveaways (for fun!) coming up on the heels of this one so stay tuned!
I’m cooking…
Did I mention we canned? We canned and we canned and we canned..
Something I am ogling or have my eye on…
I’m trying to talk my mom into buying Scrabble Spanish to keep at her house. Scrabble is something we often play when we go over there, and since my mom and Princess and learning Spanish together right now (and I know a little) it would be a fun way to practice Spanish words. =)
A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…
You can check out what we’ve been up to this week:
[alpine-phototile-for-instagram user=”classichousewife” src=”user_recent” imgl=”original” dl=”1″ dltext=”Instagram” style=”bookshelf” row=”5″ num=”15″ size=”Th” shadow=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]
What a great week! yay for the membership to the museum what an awesome blessing!
[…] To see our results for each of the three art lessons, check out the watercolor lesson, the creative lettering lesson and the pastel drawing. […]