Marriage Works eBooks, set of Two:
Marriage Works eBook Set:
1- Restoring Romance to Your Marriage
2- Four Strategies to Make Your Marriage Work in the Midst of Homeschooling
Marriage Works!, a website devoted to encouraging Christian men and women to strengthen their marriages in the Lord, is a site run by husband and wife team Kevin & Cetelia, that offers tips, counseling, free videos, ebooks and more. If you follow them on Facebook or Twitter, their daily encouragement will bring you a smile, a head nod, or perhaps a Holy Ghost nudge to make a change in some area.
They are donating a copy of two of their ebooks for one winner. One of you will win the two ebooks, Restoring Romance to Your Marriage and also Four Strategies to Make Your Marriage Work in the Midst of Homeschooling. To enter, use the Rafflecopter app below. (US only.)
You can follow Marriage Works! on Facebook, Twitter, or on their site.
** Special thanks to Kevin & Cetelia for providing this door prize!
I’m sure I would be able to learn a few things from these books, especially since we have just started homeschooling. Thanks for the chance to win.
We try to do date nights once a month with no kids.
watch tv together and cuddle
Weekly date night in & monthly date night out (no kids when we come home from this one!!)
I am excited about this giveaway! I try to do three things to keep our relationship healthy and alive; pray for the love for my husband that God would have me have, send him texts everyday to let him know I am thinking of him, and try to say something to edify and uplift him daily.
We try to make sure to be open and honest with one another and to get some time alone together! My hubby can also romance me by cleaning the house & taking care of the kids for me every once in a while!
Need an ebook!
We definetly need some helpe
Need some help….. but we have date night once a week at the house and once a month swapping babysitting with another family of 5 kids, free of charge! Time together is key and also setting up “alone time” with the door locked is on the calendar! :o)
It can be difficult with 2 kids under 11 and a husband working 2nd shift while homeschooling our girls. I believe it takes a desire to serve them and show them their opinions matter as far as leading the family’s decisions in school and all areas.
Waiting for book. Trying but it’s hard.
Hope I win.
Haha I have this special smile just for him
we like making fun jokes and spontaneous kissing! And we talk about love frequently 
Could use some help on this.
We don’t get regular date nights but we put th kids to bed early sometimes and hang out. We also take full advantage if they get to spend the night with grandparents. He also never or very rarely walks by me without a touch.
I try to keep the romance alive by doing the little things that mean a lot to my husband like getting his clothes out for him in the morning and making the bed… Keeping our living areas picked up so he can feel relaxed when he comes home… Keep his favorite snacks around and cold water in the fridge… By doing these things I am helping him not to have a reason to be in a bad mood and helps him want to be romantic in return
These ebooks would be a great asset for any marriage!
Waiting on the book for help reading
Would love some ideas