The Good Wife’s Guide
The Good Wife’s Guide
by Darlene Schacht (Time Warp Wife)
If one of the ways that you want to show love to your husband is by being a good help meet, if you want practical tips on organization and housework, and if you want all of this based on God’s design for marriage, then our next door prize is right up your alley.
The Good Wife’s Guide by Darlene Shacht (aka Time Warp Wife) is a book written for those who want to serve their family joyfully and become a better help meet for their husbands. Three blessed wives will receive their own ebook copy of Darlene’s book. To enter, follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter below. (US only.)
You can find Darlene at her blog, on Amazon, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
**A special thanks to Darlene for providing this Mommy Time door prize!
This is a really good book!Loved it!
Right now I am trying to adapt to having him gone all day because he has school and work so we don’t see him much. I am trying to use my time with him appropriately and not waste it
learn to accept that 18 hour days are a part of the deal.
I am reading this on my Kindle, but would like to have a hard copy for home.
By the way, thank you for your site. I have truly enjoyed it.
I guess I need help in this area.
would love this!!! thanks
I’ve been failing in this department.
When my hubby worked third shift would cook him dinner at 10:30pm after everyone else was in bed.
Would love this book. Hopefully it will help be get on track for my family and I to be happy and healthy not just physically but mentally too.
I desperately need this! I feel like a horrible helpmeet. My husband helps me so much and I beg him to let me know his needs yet he never does. I don’t know how to be a helpmeet and I find I just fall into the trap that he can do it all on his own because he does.
Right now, he is on crutches, so I have had to shovel, take out the garbage, pick up books he has to study from work–many things I normally do not do daily.
My husband loves when I play in his hair or tickle his back. All of this with my finger nails of course. It helps calm him down, when needed. Or sometimes I do it just because I know he loves it.
I just found your page! Thanks for giving us a chance to win
your book!
I try to get up before my husband and make sure I’m home when he gets here
Doing whatever it takes to make him happy
To be a better helpmeet……my husband works night shift so the children and I try to do our best to be very quiet during the day so he can sleep….they know that they can let out steam outside or after we finish our school for the day!
We work around his schedule as much as possible. He has a rotating schedule that is always changing so we organize our lives to fit him in as much as possible at home.
I’ve learned that meetings come up all the time and used to the scheduled ones once a month. Tonight was hard since it was our son’s b-day but I had everything ready early so when he came home in between we could have time together. Also knowing he can be called at any given time. Learn to make things tog o smoothly.
learning to do and enjoy things HE likes to do.
We let him try and get as much sleep as possible when he’s working, try to keep the house clean, and help him with his ministry!
His love language is words of affirmation (and that’s my weakest) so I try and consciously compliment him on things that are in my head but don’t make it to my mouth.
Raising his two daughters from his first marriage & becoming OK with his 5-hour-per-day commute.
Asking my hubby what he wants, what is important to him when he gets home is one way I’ve adjusted. Also having a weekly meeting with him each Sunday night before the week starts getting crazy helps a lot too! We talk about meetings and times that he will be home and the 4 kids and their schedules, etc. It helps me stay organized and focused on things that matter instead of getting wrapped up in the unknown and then getting stressed which leads to frustration by the time hubby gets home and he needs me to be there. :o)
Just trying to be understanding with his crazy work schedule and giving attention when he gets home late even though all I want to do is go to bed!
Keeping the kids quiet and “occupied” when he’s working from home and needs the quiet!
OH MY STARS, I need this book SO BAD! My poor husband and child have to live with my unorganized self & house… OYE!!
Being there to kiss him gd nite after 2nd shift and waking up to help him get ready with breakfast and lunch packed. Working 12 hrs sometimes leaves little time for us, so i make sure it is a priority for me and girls tp greet dad and show how much we appreciate him!
I try to make sure that I do the little things that when not done bother him, ie not changing the towel roll when empty and leaving our kitchen counter clear. But mainly just supporting him, he works hard and long so when he wants to go on a weekend mens trip or go hunting with his dad, I support his decision.
I do my best to adapt to whatever my husband’s work schedule is and be understanding when it changes and work more when the extra income is needed…