Date Night Earrings!
Date Night Earrings ~ From Erica Deuel at Spoonful of Imagination
If one on one time is your husband’s love language, Date Night is a great way to show him some love. And while it’s true that your husband may not care which pair of earrings you throw on – we all know that as women, WE DO! Throwing on that extra “pretty” touch can help us feel the part of “wife on a date” – as opposed to “cook,” “chauffer,” “maid” or “nurse.”
My bloggy friend Erica, from Spoonful of Imagination, is clearing out her Etsy shop and wanted to donate a gorgeous set of teal flower earrings to bless one wife or mother in their walk with their husband. You can enter the giveaway by following the directions in the Rafflecopter App below. (US only.)
You can find Erica at her blog, on Pinterest, and on Twitter.
**A special thanks to Erica for providing this Mommy Time Door Prize!
Love this blog !
Putting on makeup and jewelry usually does the trick:)
Aww thank you do much for the sweet words!! The giveaway looks awesome!
For me it’s all about remembering to have fun. If you’re having fun, you’re husband, sister, children etc will be having fun
a nice long,hot shower and fancy clothes/shoes really do the trick!
I don’t get many chances to be a “wife on a date” but when I do, I do make an effort to try and make myself look nice for my husband.
My husband rarely sees me in anything but my studs. These are beautiful and may surprise him.
Putting on mascara
I just really love to get into whatever role I’m playing at the time and just having fun
relax enjoy your self
It’s hard for me to switch from one to the other because we don’t get to do date nights. With a Lil Man at home and no babysitter to our name, date nights rarely happens.
It might sound silly, but something that helps me flip the mental switch is packing a cute little purse. I don’t need all the kid-associated things! I can pack lipstick,
Getting myself in mood with candles, love txts to him during work, dressing up or sexy and allowing kids to help with dinner or making mom look pretty for dad!
DEFINITELY don’t wear every day clothes. I try to dress, do hair and makeup, etc the way HE likes and the way I FEEL GOOD about myself!
I dress up and put make up on!
Makeup – I wash my face and put on sexy eye make up and of course get on a cute outfit with boots – My hubby’s fav.
I really struggle in this area… But we really don’t have date nights so it’s something that we need to work on in our marriage…
These are beautiful!
Soooo cute