Ever suddenly find yourself in the middle of too many books? (IS there such a thing as “too many?” Sometimes I wonder..)

True story, I counted and I’m in the middle of TEN. (Well, technically if you count up all the books I’m “in the middle of” and haven’t finished in the past few years, I’m in the middle of a whole lot more than that!) But I’m in the middle of ten right now that I plan on finishing very soon!

Books I’m Reading

  1. The Missing Link: Found (The Truth Seekers Mystery Series, Vol. 1) – reading aloud to the kids
  2. Beauty and The Beast (Treasury of Illustrated Classics) – also reading aloud to the kids
  3. How to Train Your Dragon Series – the book we’re on, book #4, got misplaced in the move, which is why we’re reading that first book up there. =) But as soon as we find it we’ll resume!
  4. Heritage History, the Tales of Robin Hood – We took a HUGE holiday break and came back to finish where we left off. Alas! This ALSO got misplaced during the move, which is why we’re reading the 2nd book on this list. =p We’re looking for it…
  5. I’m reading the Bible on my Kindle every morning working on reading straight through the whole thing. I’m in Ezekiel 22.
  6. Woman God Can Use: Old Testament Women Help You Make Today’s Choices – we just resumed our evening Women’s studies at church and we’re finishing up this book. We have 5 chapters left.
  7. Surrender: The Heart God Controls – my mom, my grandmother and I just resumed our bi-monthly study through this book. We only have a chapter or two left.
  8. The Prodigal God – we’re reading through this for our adult Sunday School class.
  9. The Scarlet Letter – Some friends and I decided to start reading through some classics together, we just started this one. I’ve read it once, a long LONG time ago, and I don’t remember much of it.
  10. 31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way – reading this to a.) review for Mommy Time and b.) help me with my ‘Healthy Home’ goals!

So, IS there such a thing as too may books at once? I’m inclined to say, “No, there isn’t. Not as long as you can keep up.” ;0)
On the other hand.. maybe if I wasn’t reading so many at once, I’d been able to finish them a lot easier? *Ahem.*

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!