Last week I started working on some Healthy Habits. Yes, that means eating right and exercising, but I’m thinking bigger. I’m also talking about getting enough sleep, reading my bible and taking care of myself and my home. I decided to start small and begin with these four things:

1.) Go to bed and get up on time. – Check! I’ve been getting up by 7, and some mornings before! I’ve been going to bed early enough to get up easily. At first I was hitting the 5-minute-snooze button once or twice but today I got up at 6:50. Only one morning did I sleep in “late” by almost an hour. My ultimate goal is 6:30am, so I’ll shoot for 6:45 this week.

2.) Start my day with time with the Lord. – Check! I think I did this every day but one! I had some really nice and quiet Quiet Time before moving on to other things.

3.) Use my food diary with (I have an app for it, and at this point I’m not worried too much about WHAT I eat as much as I’m building the habit of paying attention and writing it all down. Besides, I eat better when I write it down anyway! If you want to join me, my username is “mrsamberoliver.” Come find me!) – Check. I didn’t do this over the weekend, but I worked on developing the habit of paying attention to what I was eating, how much, and entering it into the app.

4.) Drink enough water. – LOL! Well, I didn’t define “enough.” I drank more than I have been, but not as much as I’d like to, so I’ll keep working on that.

So overall the week went well! I’m glad I was focusing more on tracking what I eat and notsomuch on eating healthy, because we ate out for a farewell dinner and then we brought the leftover cake home. It’s true what they say, if it’s in the house– you’ll eat it!

Moving into the new week, I want to keep all of the habits I had above and add a few more:

5.) Weigh and measure myself at the beginning of the week. The goal is to keep an eye on it, not to obsess over it.

6.) Make healthy eating choices.

7.) Be diligent with the kids’ bed routine, story time, prayer time, in bed on time, so that they get enough sleep to be healthy, too!

8.) Go to bed with a tidy house.

Those will be the habits that I’m adding in this week (which means I’m putting off adding exercise at least another week, but I’m okay with that.) ;0) I need to make sure that the schedule and flow of our day is functioning well enough that I can make time to exercise without any excuses! “Slow and Steady” is my motto this week.

For some accountability, I’m joining up with Dollie’s Health Habits weekly link on her blog, Teachers of Good Things.

P.S. Speaking of Happy, Healthy homes — Dana from A Slob Comes Clean is celebrating her 39th birthday for January 22! For the 22nd only (well, beginning at 8pm central on the 21st) both “Drowning in Clutter?” and “28 Days to Hope for Your Home” are on sale, together for only $2.20 each (since her bday is the 22nd) or 3.90 for the bundle (since she’s turning 39)! Click here to get the books. Use the code: BIRTHDAY

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!