The week with the stomach bug, the poison ivy, and internet outage. OH MY.

Doesn’t that sound like such a fun week?? ; )
Well, it wasn’t all bad, but yes.. I had the stomach flu from Sunday through Tuesday, which irritated the poison ivy I already had and am now covered in, and just as I was feeling up to blogging.. our internet was down for about 24 hours. Oh, and hubby and the car had an altercation with a deer. But such is life! There were also some good things this week.


In my life this week…

We’ve made some progress on finishing the site for the house so we can have the mobile home movers bring it in. There have been hitches and glitches but they all keep working out and God keeps providing. There’s really a lot of updating that needs to be done on the “Home” front and it deserves its own post. Soon. Wednesday was Momma Kim’s birthday and we made cards and a nice meal for here. Yes, my inlaws are still camping in my front yard in their RV and that’s still working out well. Princess returned to the orthodontist this week and they took an impression for her retainer! After 19 months, her braces will come off next Thursday!

In our homeschool this week…

School has taken a back seat to moving and holidays. We have painted, ridden bikes, made things. watched documentaries and other fun things, but that’s about it. We were scheduled to take off last week anyway for the holidays and now we’re focusing on purging and getting ready to move. We’re hoping to move into the other house in the next couple of weeks! We didn’t get a lot of done the week before the holiday break, either, with all work going on digging ditches and laying plumbing. My husband casually asked me, “Are the kids going to do school again, at some point?” I laughed and said, “Yes. At some point.” And even Princess told me the other day, “I want to do school again.” I told her she’s welcome to sit down with a school book anytime. ; ) One of the advantages is being able to shuffle the schedule and take a break for an illness or a move or something – right? And I can’t wait until we get the new school area set up in the new house because it is just going to be AWESOME. Awesome, I tell you!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

See that above part about taking a break? That.


My favorite thing this week was…

Doing Advent related things with the kids. We went ahead and started early so that we have room to spread out and miss days and make it through our Advent devotional even with the move. We’ve also been reviewing the art DVD “The Gift of Love” by See the Light and we used one of the art lessons to make Advent decorations for our bulletin board. Fun! I love this time of year, it’s my favorite!


Things I’m working on…

Mommy Time Party! Next Tuesday night. My Facebook Page. Be there! I’ve been Reviewing the See the Light DVD and also a book called “Destination: Bethlehem” which is the main thing we’re doing for Advent this year. We’re keeping Advent simple with the move in the picture. We also received “The Sparkle Box” this week. All of these and more will be featured at Tuesday’s party so if you want a chance to win one of these “Christ-Centered Christmas” helps then you need to come! Also, if you RSVP now it enters you into a drawing for a giveaway.


I’m praying for…

My husband will be attending a local seminary class beginning in January.

Friends with health scares (I have so many of them right now.)

The house and the move.


A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Some linky love for you!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!