May the 4th be with you! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist! I always miss it… ;0)

Starting this week I’ll be joining in something new, something called the Homeschool Mother’s Journal. It has “homeschool” in the title, but truly, it provides an opportunity for me to journal more than just homeschooling things from the week– sharing new recipes or pictures or links, painting a more complete picture of our week. I think it will be fun for us all!

In my life this week…

Illness, illness, illness!! Big Daddy was sick all weekend and guess what? He shared. Isn’t he sweet, y’all? It’s a rather persistant head cold but I think I’m on the upswing. The good news is that I’m already on antibiotics (that happens about once every five years!) because of a dental fistula (I’ll let you google that!) so the head cold hasn’t had an opportunity to turn into a sinus infection. Little blessings, right?

In our homeschool this week…

Homeschool, what homeschool? This head cold really wiped me out. I spent so much time sleeping this week I should be over this cold already! We did have a few fun moments, though — like the Monarch butterfly that befriended Drama Queen and prompted an impromptu research mini-session on Monarch butterflies!

Also this week, Drama Queen has spent a lot of time practicing guitar.. the guitar class is playing a song together during worship this Sunday. It’s a mixed ages beginner class through the church and we have about 6-8 students left who have decided to stick it out, mostly adults. Drama Queen is holding her own against all those adults! And if that weren’t enough to practice for, she’s also singing a song for church Sunday so we’ve been practicing that, too.

Yesterday I caught Princess crocheting again. Teenagers these days! You just never know what you’re going to catch them doing!! Actually I was kind of surprised because it’s been a while. She had an interest at one time and then she moved on to something else. And then I look over and see this:

Me: “What are you doing??…”

P: “Crocheting..”

Me: “I can see that.. what are you making?”

P: “A belt.”

Me: “Okay, but how did you know how to do that?”

P: “I’m just making it up.”

SHE’S JUST MAKING IT UP, Y’ALL. I think it’s time to get back to those youtube tutorials don’t you think?? I bet she could pick up all those complicated stitches and terms that I couldn’t wrap my brain around and just run with it!! Maybe you’ll be some some more crochet in the near the future!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

When Momma gets sick, the kids (if they’re old enough) have an opportunity to practice Home Ec 101. ;0)
I asked Princess to cook for us several times. Making bread dough for me yesterday she was brushing up on her fractions and measurement conversions without even realizing it. =) “How many teaspoons in a tablespoon again?…”

I am inspired by…

My Christian women friends.. my mom invited me to a wonderful women’s retreat through her church this past weekend (more on that soon) where I have many friends since we’ve attended there before, and the women’s group at our church is just blossoming right now, and between the two I have been greatly blessed, inspired and challenged recently. God is doing amazing things in the lives of those around me right now!

My favorite thing this week was…

Sunday afternoon, before I got sick, my parents and I took the kids to the symphony. The concert was put on by a local professional orchestra at a large nearby church. They were really good. It was fun! They played Beethoven’s 5th and a Henry Mancini medley among other things. Little Prince made it almost through the whole thing without getting too restless. We listened to the last song from the back of the room. I did sit and listen and enjoy the music but I also spent a lot of time whispering into Little Prince’s ear helping him listen for individual instruments. “Can you hear the trumpets? The violins?” At one point I asked what instrument he would play if he could play any instrument in the world. Any guesses? THE DRUMS.

What’s working/not working for us…

Well, I’ll tell you.. sleeping all day does not work well for us!!
I’m also doing some self-assessment over the time I spend online. (Wasting time online doesn’t work well either.)

Questions/thoughts I have…

I’ve been using the word “obnoxious” a lot lately. Versatile word, really. Something can BE obnoxious, SOUND obnoxious, FEEL obnoxious, ACT obnoxious.. and the upside is that I’ve been using the phrase “I hate that” a lot less. I’m not sure what started my “obnoxious” kick, I just noticed a new habit, but at least it has a positive upside.

I’ve also been pondering hospitality a lot lately, too. And then we talked about it at the women’s retreat and in the book I started reading for our women’s group. Other recurring topics this week have been mentoring, pouring into real friendships, and the next generation. Isn’t it funny how sometimes the same things seem to come at you from all sides sometimes?

Things I’m working on…

The blog. (And housework.) But a lot on the blog. I’ve been putting off some maintenance for a while so I’m finally taking care of that. I’ve also recently joined the iHomeschool Network so there’s a lot of focus and growth coming because of that. And of course if you read yesterday’s post you know about my reader survey, which has already been immensely helpful. I still need more responses, though, I want to hear from as many readers as possible. So far, without even knowing it, y’all have confirmed everything that I’ve been pondering and planning in my head. More on that soon! And there’s a To Do list freebie at the end of the survey.. how many of you downloaded that? I’m just curious..

I’m reading…

Lots of things! In addition to the books in my sidebar (which yes, I really am reading all of right now) I’m also reading through the bible and I have a stack of library books to read with the kids. Phew!

I’m cooking…

Not much! But we did try a homemade hot pocket thing this week. It was.. okay.. I won’t share that recipe with you. I’ve also been making a lot of raw fruit & veggie & yogurt smoothies. YUM! I use a high protein greek yogurt so with a variety of produce it really is a meal in a cup and it’s very low cal and very healthy!

I’m grateful for…

So grateful for all the ways the kids have helped this week. With their help I’ve been able to keep a load of dishes and laundry washed every day and keep up on the housework enough to not drown in mess while I’m sick! I’m also very grateful for our church family. Great things going on there. I’m grateful my inlaws made it back safely from Iraq where my brother in law got married last week. And I’m grateful for my husband and the ways he’s been challenging me and holding me accountable in my spiritual walk.

I’m praying for…

I have a lot of friends and family that need prayer right now. I’m also praying for my husband and his spiritual walk, for provision to meet our needs, for peace about the dental work I have being done next week.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

I watched this video last Saturday and I loved it. I couldn’t agree more:

John Bennett – Why Math Instruction Is Unnecessary

Join in Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network. See you next week!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!