If you read my blog – at all – ever – even occasionally… would you please do me the favor of taking a (less than) 5 minute survey? I’d like to know more about my readers, and what you like here at Classic Housewife, and also what you don’t like for that matter. If you would be so kind to help, there’s a link for a free printable To Do List pack at the end!! How cool is that?
Now, I don’t want you to worry.. there aren’t any big changes coming around here any time soon.. I’m leaving the design and the format. But I am seeking to make some improvements where improvements need to be made. And I’m also curious. There’s that, too.
So while I’m recovering from a nasty head cold, *cough, cough* and spending some of my free time cleaning up things in the back end and in the sidebar and so on.. a little bit of input from my readers would be nice. Thank you all in advance! And look forward to more good things coming in the future!
Click here to take the Classic Housewife Reader Survey.
I didn’t know you had Pinterest – so I answered “no” but if you did, I would def follow you through there