by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 13 RESULTS
Our School

Abc’s of Homeschooling ~ Kids

Well, DUH, right? After all, if I didn’t have kids, I wouldn’t be here homeschooling them. I’d probably be out working a job like I was before we had kids. So you may be wondering – why even bother mentioning the Kids in a series about homeschooling, that’s a given, right? It IS a given! Our kids are the constants in our homeschool. Routines, curriculum, methods come and go but …


Reading Books For Math

Yes, there’s more!! I’ve already shared a list of books for Geography and History… and now I’m going to share a list of books for MATH! Yes, Math!! Some of these would be make excellent permanent additions to your homeschool library. Others would be perfect for borrowing from your local library. In fact, we’re off to the library today and hoping to find some of the “Math Adventure” books for …

Making Home

What we learned from canning.

My mother and I are learning to can our fresh produce. We’ve had two canning sessions so far–the first time we canned salsa and yesterday we canned pickles, pickled carrots and grapes. Yesterday was quite the learning experience. ; ) Here’s what we’ve learned so far: 1.) The FIRST thing we need to do is to put our water bath on to boil – it takes a long time for …