I love my little girl’s blue eyes. Uh, blue? Blue with sunflower centers?
It will be interesting to see if her eyes continue to change as she grows older. (Though I will be terribly sad if she ever loses all of the blue..) I love my girl’s blue sunflower eyes.
This week’s Popinjay photo prompt is “curious.” Visit Michelle for more curiousness.
What beautiful eyes!!
Aw, thanks Jeni!
You know what I just realized?? I organized & purged my Google Reader the other day… I don’t remember seeing your blog in there?! I have to go check that out right now!
(love this new look here. I mean LOVE it!!)
And your daughter’s eyes? Ohmygosh. Amazing. Stunning.
I know, right? I mean, I know I’m “the mom” and all but all of my kids really have pretty eyes! ;0)
(P.S. re: the look – Thanks! I really didn’t spend very long on it, I found a good free theme with only minor adjustments. I just wanted to go simple again. I’m happy with it, too.) =)
She has beautiful eyes indeed! One of a kind, really. I hope they don’t change too much either!
Hey, someone noticed the look!!! (I love it too, but you already knew that!)
I have very similar irises and they are still that way (I’m 33). The best part is they appear different colors to folks depending on what I am wearing (and my mood). I always struggled with what to put for eye color on forms, but since yellow plus blue makes green I usually put green (or green hazel) down.
Juliana – That’s too funny! Hers mostly look blue, sometimes gray. Everybody that knows her would say she has blue eyes unless they’ve looked really, really close.