This week’s visual concept project (meaning “find a picture that means this word/idea/concept to you”) is “Accomplished.”

Seriously? Accomplished is not one of the words I’d list in my bio. In fact, I didn’t. I’m more of a dreamer, less of a doer. I’m very much a starter-and-not-finisher. “Accomplishment” is too seldom in my vocabulary. The majority of the things I actually accomplish are small things, most likely things started on a previous day and finished at a later point.

Besides my new blog design (which I’ve spent the last few months working on and was at first the only thing I could think of accomplishing lately) I was having trouble finding something to represent that word for me, in my life, right now. There have been plenty of things I have worked on.. but not much that I’d call “accomplished,” or “completed.”

Believe it or not, there was something I could think of after all!! (Yay, good news for Popinjay!)

Spring is arriving here in north central Texas and things are beginning to bud and bloom and blossom. I always get a spring itch when things start turning green. Each year I manage to delude myself into thinking I am some kind of master gardener and am going to plant all kinds of wonderful things – flowers and vegetables, seeds and plugs.

It usually goes a lot better in my head.

Last spring I bought a bunch of flower seeds and never planted them. Not a one. But this year I got a little kick start when I came back from my mom’s house carting 8 little baby oak trees I rescued from their flower garden before they discarded them. (Ok, so really I asked if I could have them and my mom rescued them and put them all in a pot for me. I just watched.)

Having those baby trees that needed to be re-potted (temporarily, so there weren’t 8 in one pot) gave me enough motivation to get out “in the yard” one day and actually get it done. And so I did. And believe it or not, I went back out the next day and planted some flower seeds! Yay me!

A bonus: I used pots, soil, mulch and seeds I had from last year. Free project. =)

I have no idea if the flower seeds will grow. (They, uh, ahem…are last year’s seeds. *cough*) But we’ll see. The oak trees however have been there for a week and are still green so that’s good!! (And now that they survived digging up and being potted they each need their own pot with a full amount of soil — I’m going to baby them until I plant them in the ground this autumn!)

Oh, and apparently, it’s cat friendly, too.

Hey, lazy kitty, go catch some mice, will ya?

And there you have it. Plant flower seeds.. check. Mission accomplished.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!