What a day this was! We were so very busy. We began our day bright and early, and after breakfast and getting ready we met up with some homeschooling friends for a fossil dig. We hung out with our friends and dug up some local fossils, ate a sack lunch and played outside for FOUR HOURS! (I even got a sunburn – in January!) After a brief nap we did chores and supper and then I had to run some errands to the next town over, including picking up my new glasses. I felt like I was just going and going and going all day long! But all in all it was a really GOOD day. I was exhausted though, my energy totally sapped. I drug through the first part of The 30 Day Shred and I cut out early. There’s Jillian saying, “Don’t quit on me now!” and I’m turning it off, skipping the third circuit. What can I say – I’m human.
The rundown for Day 22:
Activity: The 30 Day Shred, Level 1 – most of it
Activity Length: 15 minutes
Difficulty: You know, it’s REALLY hard to kick butt when you have no energy! And though I often feel energized by a good workout? Not so, not this time. I just needed sleep something fierce!
Tomorrow: 30 Day Shred – AGAIN!
If you’re just now finding this challenge, start here.