I’m tired. I’m sick and tired of feeling like we’re covering the same ground every day. Bottom line is we have bad habits. If we (the kids mostly but James and I do it, too) didn’t leave stuff out we wouldn’t have to put it away later. If I cleaned up the kitchen right after a meal, I wouldn’t have to come back and do it later when the food was starting to stick or worse, not have enough dishes or room to cook breakfast the next morning.
I could go on and on and on.
More than a clean home, though, I want a well-functiong, smooth-running home. Like a well-oiled machine. Obviously good habits are a big part of that. So is a change in attitude. We also need a good nod to proper organization and the right tool for the job. I also need first-time obedient children and a good dose of self-discipline — just sayin.’
But even on top of all that, I also want a “homey” home. I don’t want a home so messy it’s stressful and unappealing, and I don’t want a home so spotless and white it’s institutional. But I often don’t feel like I “get to that” part of taking care of my home. It’s hard to focus on beautifying, decorating and arrangind things when there are dirty dishes screaming for attention in the sink and dirty laundry calling you from the hamper.
I will have this. All three. Call me greedy, call me silly, or as I prefer it, call me determined and taking this bull by the horns. I’m going to get this. I can do this. Not by myself, obviously. I need an agreeable husband, cooperative children and I’m relying on a HEALTHY dose of God-provided self-discipline and endurance.
It won’t be easy.
To make that more enjoyable (or something) I’m asking you all to join in with me. I thought about signing up for the FlyLady again, but it’s really not a good fit for me. I need to take an approach that addresses practical, parenting, spiritual and self-discipline aspects. I’ve already written out a plan for the first month. And it’s a really good plan! I was going to start at the beginning of January, but my husband has challenged me to start exercising in January and I don’t want to make too many changes all at once. Also, my last Advent post will be on January 4th, so at this point in time, I’m thinking I’ll begin making a focused, intentional effort towards a smooth-running home beginning the 2nd week of January.
So. Whattya say? Anybody else need to do this– Or am I the only one…?
It’s as if you were reading my mind. Every day I think about this is exact same thing, but just can’t seem to get it done.
I know what you mean! I’m tired of thinking about it, time to start doing it. I’ve been here before, this isn’t my first showdown with this. We were just still not quite where we needed to be with our habits, and then I let a lot of things slide in 2009. I can’t really blame it ALL on breaking my toe in July, but I CAN say that before that I was more on top of things, and since then…notsomuch. Well, no more excuses. Let’s kick this, shall we??
Yep, I have been thinking the same way. I am hoping to do some major cleaning and organizing this weekend. It seems like things get so bad and then it’s all too overwhelming and I just don’t do it at all.
I know, when I get overwhelmed I want to act like an ostrich and ignore it but of course that just makes it worse. But more than some good cleaning, I really think we need to work on building new habits the most. Every single day our living room gets REALLY messy. Every single day we pick it up. Sometimes twice. Or three times. I’m tired of covering the same ground over and over again and not getting to anything else. I need to stay on top of things and pay attention and keep them from bringing stuff out here… Read more »
I feel like we’re soul sisters!!!
lol… I have four kids and it’s hard! I know one day it will be spotless again – when my hubby and I are empty nesters, I’m sure!!!;) lol..
What’s your plan – I’m ready!!! I loved the FlyLady but it didn’t work for me either. Can’t wait to hear more…
.-= Kathy ´s last blog ..Cookies for Santa… =-.
Yeah, I know, right? We’ll have clean houses when our kids are gone.
I’m going to be writing more about my plan of attack in a week or so. I really want to nail down my new exercise routine before adding another change. Don’t want to sabotage either one of them. I’ll keep you posted! =)
[…] I do that all the time anyway, and I’m already working on a weight loss challenge and getting my home back in order,) I thought I’d make a list of specific things I want to do in 2010. Kind of the same thing, […]
[…] of series on keeping home, cleaning, decluttering–that sort of thing, because Y’ALL. It’s that bad. Coming soon to a blog near […]
[…] month where I’m going to start dedicating more time to housecleaning and organizing to get us out of this little pig sty. During the month of January, while spending mucho tiempo building an exercise habit, I have also […]
OK, this sounds counter-intuitive, but ………. enjoy the mess, the noise and frustration while you can. My baby’s 23 now. My house is in pretty decent order (we don’t talk about the sewing room, OK?). But ….
A while back I heard a great saying and it is now on my kitchen wall. “My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.” Believe it or not, it’s all part of the package. And from the (hopefully) happy chaos will come the memories that will one day keep you warm. Enjoy!