Oh yes, I may have been a little quiet on the blog over the past two holiday weeks, but I have busy behind the scenes whenever I get a spare moment. I’ve been tackling some long overdue blog issues and “stuff.”
The main thing you’ll notice is The Disclosure page, which after many revisions and tweaks I’m finally very happy with. I’ve also finally settled some wordpress upgrade issues and installed Google Analytics on all the separate domains but that’s boring stuff. ; )
I still have a few other boring things to tackle before the new year, I’m trying to get things cleaned up around here to start the new year fresh and clean and to better serve my new 2010 blog goals. In the meantime, here’s my final official disclosure policy:
If you don’t know by now that I am a stay-home mom, homeschooling three children and surviving on one income in a two income world,..then you haven’t been reading my blog. *wink*
If you haven’t heard me talk about how my husband would loooove for me to turn my blog into a second income, then you haven’t been following me on Twitter, either.
And if you haven’t heard about the new FTC guidelines for bloggers then you haven’t been reading much of anything online, have you?? Not that it would affect my blogging much anyway, since I already strive for transparency and honesty. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
Back to the part about living on one income… yeah, that… My main goal with this blog is blogging well and enjoying it. My secondary goal is finding a way to bring home some pennies for dentist visits. Or shoes for my kids. Or for coffee. Whatever I can do to get my husband off my back, to stop complaining about how much time I spend online, to fully embrace my blogging habit.
From time to time I link to items and websites using affiliate links –links that will earn me a small commission after you make a purchase, become a member, or complete an offer.
When I do so I:
- Make sure that the information I’m offering is true, correct, and my own opinion
- Post links to items and websites I feel positively about/think my readers will genuinely be interested in
- Speak truthfully. If I say I bought, used, tried, or ordered something, I did.
- Welcome any feedback on items, offers and websites I link to – good or bad
- Use an affiliate link for something I am already going to blog about if I have one.
- Indicate at the bottom of the post whether I was compensated in some way other than through an affiliate link, such as a being given a free product to try or being given a book to review.
At this time, I am regularly affiliated with the following:
- Amazon.com
– If l link to Amazon, I use an affiliate link. By doing so, I earn a small commission on any purchase you make within a certain period of time. It doesn’t cost you any more money, or make you buy something that you weren’t going to already, it just leaves me a little tip in the tip jar for pointing you to their site. Yay me!
- Google – I have google ads and a google search bar on some of my pages. Google ads aren’t big money makers, but pennies add up dude! I’ve tried to tailor the ads and my posts so that they provide relevant links to something you may be searching for. If not, oh well.
- Currclick.com – If you buy any Currclick item with my affiliate link, I get a credit to use on their site or cash out. Affiliate links to Currclick help make my children smarter. ; )
I also use links to the above in my sidebars, and may at some point consider selling ad space again.
Additionally, I reserve the right to like things you don’t like, recommend products that work for me and have my own opinion. Likewise, I reserve your right to not like things I like. Hey – we can’t all be alike can we? But feel free to leave a comment on such posts and share your own personal experience with any product, link or website that I link to or promote. Discussion is always welcome.
And of course, if you haven’t already, you can get my full feed in your favorite reader or inbox. That part doesn’t make me any money, but it sure is nice.
And now if you’d like to help get my husband off my back – maybe you have some shopping you need to do?
Tackle It Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom
Love your disclosure policy! It’s great!
[…] 7.) Purge ad clutter & monetization junk. In attempts to figure out what does and doesn’t work for me here at this blog, I feel like I’ve got a little clutter and junk here and there. Maybe you don’t notice it, maybe you do.. but I’d hate for it to be a turn off to my readers. I’ve decided to back of those approaches anyhow and streamline down to a few main sources of revenue, as I’ve outlined in my new Disclosure statement. […]
So if I want to buy something from Amazon, I should search for it through your site and you’ll get paid? Sweet. Wish I had known that before Christmas…
LOL – That’s right. =) And it doesn’t cost you any more. I just get the credit for referring you. =)