Reposting this from BooMama’s Christmas Tour of Homes a couple of years ago. (Which of course is now The Nester’s seeing as how the torch has been passed, but two years ago it was BooMama’s!) ; ) I’ve been meaning to get some pictures up from this year but you know what? See everything down below there? We still have all that stuff. Except I have a new tree! A new, less Charlie Brownish tree. And of course I do have a few new things that I collected over the last two years. And maybe I will eventually get some pictures up. Or maybe I won’t. And in case I won’t… enjoy this in the meantime! Merry Christmas, y’all!
Tis the season and you can tell, we’ve decked the halls, decked them well. We’ve set the tree, donned the lights, hung the garland from the heights. Our Advent Candle Wreath does glow, the nativity scene Christ’s birth does show. And as the day draws close and near, our hearts are filled with Christmas cheer. So come on in, both young and old, and have a seat — for BooMama’s Christmas Tour of Homes.
Hi! Come in, can I take your coat? We really get into Christmas here. You didn’t notice the door? Oh, well, check it out. (Click on the thumbnails.)
Or perhaps you came in the back door…
Well, no matter. If you’ll just continue through the kitchen to the dining room, I’ll get you a nice cup of homemade cocoa. The kids made it, they had so much fun! And boy, it sure does save a lot on the grocery bill! Well, the cocoa bill anyway. My grandmother made that Nativity Quilt on the wall. It’s actually Little Prince’s but I love to use it as a decoration at Christmas time. Shh, he doesn’t know.
What’s that? The candle on the table? A friend just gave that to me! I love candles. That one is called Christmas Eve by Yankee Candles. It’s smells SOOO good. And then I have more candles. And more candles. And back up candles for when those run out– and that’s just in the kitchen! Did I mention that I do a lot of my holiday decorating with candles??
One of the things I like about this house is that it is so open. You can see the whole living area from where you’re sitting. There’s the garland over the little hallway, the Christmas tree and stockings in the living room. Oh, look, there’s Big Daddy’s laptop on the arm of the chair.. I hope the kids don’t knock it over. We’ll just be really careful with it.
The Christmas tree is my favorite decoration. We put it out every year on December 1st. Since we use Advent to further celebrate Christmas we spend several weeks decorating the tree. Actually, I call it our “Jesus Is” tree. The ornaments on the tree complete the sentence “Jesus is ____.” Or sometimes “We are his ____.” My favorite decorations are these little olive wood ornaments that my mother-in-law brought back from Israel with little nativity-like scenes and these purple and clear nativity stars (both of which remind us that Jesus is our Savior). I also like these little sheep ornaments the kids made with my mom last weekend (Jesus is our shepherd and we are his sheep) — Aren’t they cute?? Wanna see it lit? Okay!
If you’re done with your cocoa, we can move on into the living room so you can see the nativity and advent candles. They’re on top of the tv, they’re slightly safer up there. This year I didn’t have a lot of candles handy, and some of my supplies from last year were no more, and I didn’t want to go out and spend a bunch of money so I decided to get creative. What you see here is an angel tea light holder that my best friend gave me several years ago to represent the angels’ candle, a frosted votive with a jewel on the front to represent the wise men’s candle, a plain glass votive holder to represent the prophets’ candle, and a mulled cider jar candle to represent the shepherds’ candle. I stuck a taper in the middle for the Christ candle, added some rocks and glass rocks and there you go – an Advent candle wreath. Unusual, but functional, and I hope, semi-creative? The characters in our nativity scene are still traveling, but the stable is next to the candles and when it all comes together it will look like this. I like the childlikeness of these little guys. They’re sweet.
The candle wreath and nativity set demonstrates the heart of Christmas around here. More than anything else, I try to decorate our home with an attitude of worship. Every day we spend decorating or doing crafts is a reminder of why we’re really celebrating. Of course, if you ask Drama Queen she’d say: “Presents!!” until Princess added “No, it’s about Jesus–” “Oh yeah! It’s Jesus’ birthday!!” Drama Queen would interrupt. Not that that has happened or anything. I’m just saying that’s what they might say. In addition to crafts, we also read stories. My favorite is The Christmas Lizard. Two thumbs up in my book!
This year I’ve decided not put any presents under the tree until Christmas Eve. Between the cats and the two year old I’ve hardly been able to even keep the tree decorated! I think the presents would just be asking for it. Often you’ll even find the cats napping under there.
So I’ll just save them and tuck them under the tree all at once while the kids are sleeping. On Christmas morning we’ll move the Baby Jesus and his manger into the nativity scene. We’ll light our Advent candles and read a passage from Luke. Then the kids will dig through the stocking stuffers until the rest of the family arrives. By mid-morning all our local family will arrive for brunch and we’ll open the gifts. We’ll just sit around and chat for awhile while the kids bounce off the walls all hopped up on excitement and sugar. Cuz lets face it. There will be sugar.
Oh, look at the time! I’m sure you need to be on your way – there are more homes to visit. I’ve enjoyed sipping some cocoa and I must say, you’ve been the best listener. Come back anytime! Oh- don’t forget to check out the candy cane lights on the way out! In fact, here’s one for the road. Enjoy!! And God Bless!
Originally published December 21st, 2007.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!
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December 22, 2007 9:41 pm
Fun narrative. Thanks for inviting us to your Christmas House!
Kelly Shults
December 22, 2007 9:48 am
What a lovely home you have and your decorations are so warm and festive! Thanks for sharing!
December 22, 2007 7:48 pm
Thanks so much for the great tour.
Merry Christmas.
mrs darling
December 21, 2007 10:29 pm
Lovely tour! I like your plate with the candles and the angel. Beautiful tree too.
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Fun narrative. Thanks for inviting us to your Christmas House!
What a lovely home you have and your decorations are so warm and festive! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for the great tour.
Merry Christmas.
Lovely tour! I like your plate with the candles and the angel. Beautiful tree too.