Hello internet! A host of interesting links await. Interesting is open to interpretation of course.
This week has been pretty uneventful around here. Except for the tooth extraction that was anything BUT uneventful. TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH PEOPLE! Other than that, I’ve browsed around the net a bit. Here’s what I found for you.
- My Savings.com*: Free Samples and Coupons
- Print Grocery Coupons at Penny Pinching Gazette*.
- One more reason why teenagers don’t need “smart phones” in my opinion – “8 Sexting Teens Charged With…“
- Parent’s Lie to Their Kids More Often Than They Realize?” Um, yeah, they do. Um, no, they shouldn’t. And by ‘they’ I mean ‘we.’ And by ‘we’ I mean ‘I.’ Though I have to say that this is one reason we’ve never really do the Tooth Fairy. Just sayin’.
- Does President Obama Support Homeschooling?
- Will Longer School Days Help Students Catch up to Homeschoolers?
- Pictures that make you say WOW.Photographers get up close and personal with nature.
- Amazing Sand Art from Ukraine’s Got Talent.
What else would you like to share with us? You can share anything, anything at all! Link up to something you’ve written about this week, something you did/learned/saw/baked/sewed/whatever! Come, Shoot the Breeze with Me~