I have a little three year old, he doesn’t like to sleep,
I have a little trick, it works like this you see:
I have a little cd player, a little headphone set
(It has a little volume dial, his precious ears protect.)
I have a little cd case, chock full of colored discs
A little bit of classical, a little bit of THIS
So if my little man, a little fit does throw,
For to his little firetruck bed, he doesn’t want to go,
I take my little back up plan, and put them on his ears
And in a very little while, he’s sleeping – NO MORE TEARS!
This post is happily submitted to Works for Me Wednesday @ We are THAT Family!

Neat idea….I may have to try this with one of my girls. Sometimes she gets so restless after a busy day that she cannot settle down to go to sleep. She already listens to classic music, but the headphones would probably help.
Oh, and I really like the rhyming!
.-= Monica @ DailyDwelling´s last blog ..Litter Bags =-.
Yeah, I started it because he was obviously so tired that if he would just get still a minute he would crash, but he was so actively opposing bedtime, getting up and down, climbing up on top of the firetruck bed,… standing on his head for all I knew… that he would stretch it out for aaaages. Lately, bed time has been a bit better, and if I get him in bed before the overtired kicks in he’s good to go. But if he’s in *that* mood… I pull out the headphones and it helps him lay down long enough… Read more »
I do this for myself! It works wonderfully =)
We have a bedtime ritual that works out perfectly for us. We sing the same two songs every night!
.-= Amanda @ High Impact Mom´s last blog ..Wordless 8/12 =-.
We’ve had that kind of ritual for years (https://classichousewife.com/daily-life/2009/06/07/but-he-still-wants-me-to-sing-him-a-song/) but lately the lullabies are really falling by the wayside, he doesn’t want one. If I get him in bed on time, he may or may not ask for a song and then he’ll lay down and within 15 minutes or so he’ll be asleep. If he’s overtired, however,… he doesn’t want to go to bed, and he doesn’t want lullabies at all because it’s related to going to bed and he pretty much fights everything. So for those nights (and hopefully there are few of them!) I had to get… Read more »
I like this idea… I’m going to give it a shot for my little ones who fight bedtime!
what a fun little ditty… you are quite creative.