In case you’ve noticed I’ve been a little MIA the last few days, I thought I’d drop in and share what I’ve been doing instead.


13 Things I’ve Moved in the Last 5 Days

  1. Ye Old Bunkbed – Out with the old and dysfunctional.
  2. The Mirrored/Vanity Cool-But-Large Antique Dresser – to the other side of the girls’ room.
  3. The tall bookcase in the girls’ room (and all the books) – actually I moved this SIX times.
  4. The tv & stand in the girls room – moved TWICE. I know, I know. MEASURE FIRST. (I did, just had the wrong measurements for the new bed and it threw everything off.)
  5. The girls’ toybox – into their closet (and their shoe bins on top of their dresser.)
  6. The “new” twin bed – loaded, unloaded, in the room and then rearranged twice. (The measurement offender.)
  7. The “new” loveseat/sofa/pull-out-twin-bed – loaded and unloaded and one of the few things that only got moved once. 😉
  8. The glass & metal tv stand – out of our master bedroom
  9. The “new” upright dresser –  into our master bedroom.
  10. Our tv  – on top of the dresser, then onto the tv stand in the girls room and their tv on top of our dresser.
  11. The living room tv –  onto the glass & metal tv stand.
  12. The old living room tv stand – by the desk and the all-in-one printer on top of it.
  13. The chair that was by the desk – over where the rocking chair was, the rocking chair floating in front of the desk, the movie rack that was behind the rocking chair moved out, the kids movies moved to the shelves under the fish tank, and our movies moved to the top drawers in our ‘new’ dresser.

Okay, I kinda had to cram things in at the end to stick to the 13. 😉 As you can see, we’ve been busy. I guess I’ve been hit by a Spring Cleaning Fever bug – spurred by the purchase of two ‘new’ beds for the girls, one from a friend and one from Criag’s List that came with a “free” dresser. I have pictures to share, but not today! 😉 But you can check back next Tuesday for Tackle-It-Tuesday to see just how good it all looks together. I think I’m done moving furniture (I hope!) but I’m not done Spring Cleaning. Not to mention I haven’t cleaned a thing in my kitchen since loading the dishwasher before I left Monday Morning. Ick. So it’s back to work for me!

What about you? The Spring Cleaning Fever Bug hit you yet?

{Remember tomorrow is TGIF!! – I’ll be sharing links to goodies I’ve found around the internet this week – won’t you join me?}

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!