In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be tackling the biggest blog series I’ve tackled yet: How To Blog.


Whether you’re a non-blogger who’d like to blog, a baby blogger, or someone who has been blogging for a while but has yet to delve into the deep recesses of bloggy technique, you won’t want to miss this! Trust me. This isn’t something I’m throwing together overnight. Inspired by questions from readers and friends, I’ll be completing for you a fairly in-depth study at blogging, from every angle I can think of.

AND… I’m not some big, technical guru. I’m just a regular blogger like you, so you don’t have to worry about me talking over your head. I’m going to explain things in terms you can understand – one little blogger to another. Ready?

Take a look at the outline for this series:

I. Setting up a blog.



WordPress Self-Hosted

II. Growing & Traffic

Participating in the Blogosphere

Feed Aggregators & Google

Online Persona

Writing Good Content

Search Engine Optimization

III. Writing, Finding Your Voice, Branding

Tips for Writing

Writing Frequency

Purpose In Writing


IV. Making Money?


Affiliate Links

Selling Products

Product Reviews

V. Go Forth And Blog.

Applying What You’ve Learned

Monday, December 29th, we’ll embark on this (at least) 5-week series called “How to Blog.” It’s possible the outline above could expand and grow as I go and we could end up with 6 or even 7 weeks in this series. The potential to learn and grow through this is exciting, isn’t it? I’m also considering bringing in some guest posts on certain areas.*

Now here’s what I need from you, dear reader. I NEED YOUR QUESTIONS.

What do you want to know? What do you struggle with or not understand? Is there something that you’d like to do but don’t know how? Send me your questions and I will give you my best answers. Ask your readers, too, or send them over. I’ve already got a thorough outline, but I don’t want to miss anything you need to know. So, please! Fire away! Tell everyone it all begins December 29th.

So is it a date? (If you haven’t already, subscribe to my feed and you won’t miss out when the info starts flying.) See you back here a week from Monday!


* Interested guest posters: In Part One, I’ll be including information about WordPress, Blogger, and self-hosted WordPress because that is what I’ve used. If you use Typepad or some other platform not listed here and feel confident enough to write about how to set up and use a typepad blog, please contact me about the possibility of doing a guest post on the subject. If you successfully make money through ads, affiliate links, or selling some kind of product, or if you’ve had success receiving products to review and keep, please contact me about the possibility of writing about your experiences in these areas for Part 5. Thanks!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!