This week’s CurrClick freebie is Aunt Sarah’s Alaskan Cookbook.
From their site:
Cookbook for mom
PLUS curriculum for children…
It’s much more than a cookbook!Discover Alaska’s amazing geography,
history, land, and people through her
tantalizing cuisine. You’ll find unique
recipes that reflect the colorful story and
appeal of this vast national treasure.
Breath-taking color photographs of Alaska
accompany each chapter along with original
artwork to illustrate the variety of delictable
foods you’ll find in Aunt Sarah’s Alaskan Cookbook.
It’s only free this week, so check it out.
This was part of the Black Friday freebie set, too! I got it then… Brings back memories! We were stationed on Kodiak Island when I was in 2nd grade (look just to the East of the Aleutians and you’ll see Kodiak!) and then we ended stationed in Juneau for my last 2 1/2 years of high school. I miss the mountains, glaciers, mild weather, and most of all I miss HALIBUT.
I can’t afford to buy it here, but up there my dad used to bring it home all the time. If you ever want to know where the… Read more »