We don’t really get into Halloween here. In years past, we’ve attended a fall harvest festival at the town square, with games and bouncy houses – and trick or treating around the businesses at the square.

Honestly, I didn’t mind the festival but the trick or treating was my least favorite part.

This year we didn’t have a festival, but the businesses still did the Safe Treat last Saturday. When we drove through town and saw the kids in their costumes walking around the square collecting candy, my 8 year old said, “can’t we just trick or treat for a little bit?”

To which I replied, “can’t I just buy you some candy?”

After considering it for a second she decided that was acceptable and said, “okay.” See, she doesn’t really care about the trick-or-treating either. She just wants the candy. All the kids agreed so we headed to Burger King instead, shared and Oreo cookie shake and played on the indoor playground for a while. It was way more fun.

When I went to the grocery store Sunday, I bought Twizzlers, Tootsie Rolls, Mini Gummy Worms, and Candy Corn, I cut the Twizzlers into 6ths and dumped everything into a Glad storage container and gave it a good shake. And there you have it – Instant Trick-Or-Treat results without all the Trick-Or-Treat hassle.

The kids get to pick out three pieces a day – all at once or spacing them out, it’s up to them. They’re happy and I’m happy.

Well, mostly.

Next time I need to pick candies that MOMMA DOESN’T LIKE. Ahem. But that’s beside the point. 😛

Works For Me Wednesday is hosted by Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!