Today is the first official day of Autumn! Though, I’ve already been thinking about it for weeks. It began with the first Halloween/Fall catalog I got in the mail and just continued with the Fall catalog from ABC Distributing – chock full of fall decorations and such. Last week’s fall-like weather just threw my longing for fall into overdrive.

Finally – fall is here!

Laurel @ Laurel’s Reflections offers up this list of 20 Things to Treasure in Autumn. Inspired, I offer up my own list. And what better to share than today? Let Autumn begin!

20 Things I Adore about Autumn

  1. Sionara summer (and 100+ temperatures) – yes! yes! yes!
  2. Cool breezes. There is something soothing about sitting out in a cool breeze.
  3. Leaving the windows open during the day. Love. It.
  4. Subsequently, not using the air conditioner – woo-hoo!!
  5. The beautiful colors. The red, the gold, the orange, the RED… Oh, did I say that one already?
  6. The sound of the leaves rustling in the trees.
  7. Driving down a small lane covered in leaves and watching them swirl behind you in the rear-view mirror.
  8. Leaf piles! (Though not at my house.) 🙁
  9. The smell of something baking. My baking % spikes dramatically in the fall. And then there’s…
  10. Being able to bake without overheating the kitchen. And there’s…
  11. Baking to help heat the kitchen on cool mornings. All around, baking is just a good deal.
  12. The fall candles. Apple, pumpkin, spice, cinnamon,.. any combination thereof.
  13. I’m justified in wearing the jeans I’ve been wearing all summer.
  14. Fall fashion. ‘Nuff said.
  15. Fall decorations. Ditto.
  16. Cool nights, and snuggling under a blanket.
  17. Gathering for Thanksgiving.
  18. Thanksgiving desserts. Ahem.
  19. Planning/Prepping for Advent/Christmas.
  20. The anticipation of the coming season & holidays: Fall is the prelude to the oratorio of Winter.

So have a fabulous first day of fall, my friends! God bless!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!