I don’t think we have ever needed a Summer break more than we do right now. We’re behind on all sorts of things all over the place and my Inner List-Checker is having a fit because there’s no time for breaks! (See previous post: Inner List-Checker is closely related to Bossy Houseguest.) But even with all the unfinished business on our plates, I know that a break is exactly what …
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Mother’s Journal ~ June 15, 2012
Tidbits of life and nuggets of goodness gathered this week, harvested and blended like a tasty cup of hot tea. Grab a sip and savor the flavor of life here at Classic Housewife.
10 Things I Like About May
Mother’s Day – hehe! The days start feeling longer. It’s the last month with really nice weather. (Where I am. June starts getting too hot.) Barbecues Picnics Gardening It’s the best month for field trips. The school year ends. (Not for us, but for some of our friends – more play dates.) Usually the first month we fire up the grill for all our (my) summer cooking. Finally get …