
homeschooling Want to know more about homeschooling?

I encourage you to visit the “information by state” page at Homeschool Legal Defense Association. If you live in Texas, you may also want to check out the Texas Homeschool Coalition. 

Truly, though, Texas is one of the best states for homeschooling! We have a large homeschool community, regulations are low, resources are abundant. It’s incredibly easy to give your kids the education they need, even in subjects they need help with or that you aren’t strong in, because there are so many options available to us.

I know many homeschool moms who struggle with math, for example. There are so many varieties of curriculum to try that come with plenty of teacher helps. I know many moms who opt to use online math classes or tutoring. I also know many moms who seek math tutoring outside their home, or trade teaching with a friend to get their kids the math help they need. And in Texas, you’re completely free to choose any or all of these options.

If you have any questions about homeschooling in Texas, just ask!

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