Yesterday I started a short series examining the arguments I frequently hear when I tell someone that we don’t do Santa, beginning with the biggest one, “Because it’s FUN.” Today I’m continuing with the second biggest reason I’m given: Reason #2: Santa Claus is based on Saint Nicholas. Ever. So. Loosely. I’ve written about how Saint Nicholas became Santa Claus before. The short story is that legend of the Turkish …
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December 21, 2011
An Argument for Santa: #1 But it’s FUN.
The closer we get to Christmas Day the more we hear about Santa. This will be our 3rd Christmas without any remainder of Santa in our holiday celebration. And we’re still okay with that, by the way. But you know, it’s funny sometimes how people respond when I tell them that I “fired Santa.” I might as well have told them that I hate fuzzy kittens. Now let me say …