by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Making Home

Menu Plan Monday, January 4th

It’s been SOOOOO long since I have done this!! And not only is it so important for good meal planning, and for wise money budgeting but it’s also important for making sure that we eat right, too. So I’m hopping right back in and getting on the meal planning horse again. As always, I’ll plan meals for each day, but we often switch things around a lot as our whims …

Just Me

31 Day Fitness Challenge: Day 1

Well, I did it! I survived! Here’s the run down on yesterday’s workout. Starting weight: 190 Activity: Yoga Activity Length: 30 minutes Difficulty: Initially, “meh”.. by the time I was done my legs were jello. ; ) How I feel: Good! My spine feels great, my lower back muscles feel a little sore already and my legs are still jelloey. It was a good choice with my sinus headache and …