by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Making Home

Binder Clip Your Trash Bags

You heard me right. Binder clip… your trash bags… to the trash can… and they’ll stay in place!! That’s TOO easy, isn’t it? I owe it to my grandmother who was over one day, watched me fetch the bag out of the can and replace it over the edge of the bin again. She said, “You know they sell little clips that hold your bag on there – right?” Looking …

Our School School at Home

Our 2009-2010 Curriculum

The season is upon us. Not the holiday season, the back to school season! The get back on our school schedule, pull out the new school books, stock up on school supplies and no more sleeping in late season. Not that we ever sleep in late around here. Ahem. Typically speaking we take the month of August off after having schooled for the whole remainder of the year. This year, …